Before a Fire
Upon Discovering a Fire
Upon Hearing the Fire Alarm
When you have been alerted by the alarm, verbal warnings, or sense smoke or fire:
Area coordinators are live-in professional staff who support residents, respond to emergencies, and serve as liaisons to various campus offices. They supervise student staff who promote and build community.
A resident advisor (RA) is a student staff member who serves as a resource to help you adjust to your home away from home. He/she will be a resource to the services, programs, and policies of the university. RAs are on duty at the front desk Sunday –Thursday from 6 p.m. to midnight and on call after hours from midnight to 7 a.m.; and at the front desk Friday-Saturday from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. RAs who work weekend shifts are on duty and on call from Friday at 6 p.m. until Sunday at 6 p.m.
All residence hall students automatically become members of their residence hall councils. The councils provide a means of uniting students in order to facilitate relationships and increase communication. The residence hall councils are used as a venue for planning, developing, and coordinating hall programs and campus-wide programs. They provide a variety of activities and programs. Emphasis is placed on educational, cultural, social, and recreational programs. The councils are governed by an elected slate of officers which includes president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, king or queen, Student Government Association representatives, and fire marshals.
The mission of the Lincoln University Residence Hall Association is to enhance and develop the life of residential students through advocacy, programming, and leadership opportunities and by providing a place to voice concerns about residence life procedures, policies, and facilities.
The RHCs and RAs reserve the right to inspect a room for health and safety reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, a complaint by a roommate or residents that the room is unsanitary, that the condition of the room is a fire hazard, or that pests such as roaches or mice are present. The inspection will occur on a monthly basis, and during inspections, the resident may or may not be present.
It is the responsibility of the dean of students and director of residence life and/or the residence hall staff to periodically inspect all rooms in the residence halls for damage, fire, and health hazards. Inspections may occur at any time and students will be assessed for room damage. Where two or more students occupy the same room, and individual responsibility for damage or loss in the room cannot be ascertained, the cost of damage or loss will be divided and assessed equally among the residents of the room. Should authorized personnel observe unapproved appliances or objects in the room or notice objects attached to facilities in an unapproved manner, the University reserves the right to have the items removed.
The residence life staff works in collaboration with the Office of the Physical Plant to provide quality facilities. During breaks, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer, physical plant staff make necessary repairs to maintain the residence halls.
Repairs and Maintenance Request
As a member of a community setting, every student must assume responsibility for the care of common areas. In addition, a resident is responsible for the care of her/his room and its furnishings. Although housekeeping staff clean and care for the common areas in the residence halls, each resident is responsible for assisting with the maintenance and upkeep of each hall which includes, but is not limited to, cleaning up behind oneself as well as encouraging peers to do the same.
All maintenance requests are through the TMA system.
Please note that requests are handled in the order they are received.
If response time is longer than three days, please follow up with an RA unless it is an emergency. Ask an RA if you have questions about the form.
If an emergency should arise after office hours, notify your RHC or your RA.
Office of the Physical Plant
From time to time, the Office of Residence Life may need to refer broken items to the Office of the Physical Plant for repair. Currently, the physical plant staff handles all electrical, air conditioning, building, water plant, and grounds issues. Because they are responsible for maintaining the entire University, sometimes it may take up to 48 hours or more for them to respond to a referral. Students should not attempt to call the Physical Plant office directly. For tracking and referral purposes, all calls should go through the Office of Residence Life, via the RHCs and RAs, for any authorization to be given for work done by the physical plant staff.
Physical plant personnel will be allowed to enter the students’ room to make repairs even if the student is not present.
It is mandatory for all University to students to carry their Lion Card student ID and residence hall keys at all times. In the event that you misplace or lose your residence hall keys, please notify your resident advisor, resident hall coordinator, or the Office of Residence Life immediately.
Throughout the academic hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., all lockouts will be handled based on the availability of the resident advisor or resident hall coordinator. A $2 room re-entry fee is to be paid to the residence hall staff member.
Room changes begin after the first three weeks of classes and must be completed by the fourth week of classes. Students requesting room changes must receive written authorization from the RHC prior to moving any personal items from one room to another. Unauthorized room changes will result in disciplinary action. The University reserves the right to make room changes when it is deemed in the best interest of the students involved and the University. Students are allowed one room change without charge. Subsequent requests will require a fee of $25. Students who move without prior written authorization from the Office of Residence Life will also be assessed a fine.
Students are not allowed to duplicate university keys or add locks to university doors and furnishings. Lost and/or stolen keys can be replaced by reporting them to your RA and/or RHC at a cost of $200.
Minor infractions of University policies, regulations, and guidelines that govern residence life (student housing) will be handled by the resident hall coordinator and/or the director of residence life. Major infractions as well as repeated minor infractions, will be handled by the dean of students as outlined in the University’s Code of Student Conduct.
A complete description of the Office of Residence Life’s community standards, policies and procedures can be found in the Student’s Guide to Residential Living on the student success webpage. Residents are expected to adhere to policies, procedures, and guidelines found in the following aids: (1) Student Housing Contract, (2) Student Handbook, and (3) Student’s Guide to Residential Living.
View the full sexual assault policy, HRM 122, from Human Resources at
The following behavior is strictly prohibited in residence halls: Loud music, hanging out and yelling in hallways or hallway windows, horse play, water fights, tampering with life safety equipment (fire extinguishers, sprinklers, fire alarms, etc.). These violations will result in disciplinary action and possible revocation of the housing contract.
Residence hall rooms are furnished and have standard twin size beds, desk, dresser, shades, and blinds. Therefore, furniture from home is prohibited. Also, cinder or cement blocks are prohibited.
Lincoln University strictly prohibits the use of all cooking appliances, microwaves, air conditioners, and space heaters in the student’s rooms.
When damage occurs in the residence halls common areas and the perpetrator cannot be identified, the cost of damage(s) will be assessed among the residents of the floor or building. The following pages list fines for damages, which are also subject to judicial board referral:
Item per Person
Illegally living in a residence hall
Room and Board
Lock changes
Key replacement
Failure to clean room at check-out (requiring maid service)
Improper check-out
Non-compliance with check-out process
Common areas maid service
Illegal furnishings removal
Residence halls
Computer labs
Student restaurant
Illegal room changes
$150 per day
Fire extinguishers
$100 community
Tampering with life safety equipment (fire extinguishers, sprinklers, fire alarms or exiting an emergency exit)
Smoking (of any kind in Residence Hall)
Graffiti, vandalism
$25–$75 community
$100 individual
Vertical pole (stripper pole)
Illegal appliances, possession of alcohol, unauthorized gatherings, pets, propped doors
Broken windows
Broken glass (large windows)
Broken doors
Broken/vandalized furnishings
$25 community
$150 individual
Extensive damage to interior walls
Cinder blocks
$25 per block
Removal of door pieces
Removal of road signs
$75-$150 depending upon size
Drinking/alcohol use
Referral to Judicial Board
Underage drinking
Referral to Judicial Board
Serving alcohol to minors
Referral to Judicial Board
Use, possession, or sale of drugs
Referral to Judicial Board
Removal of exit lights/signs
$50 individual
Broken light fixtures
Non-compliance fire alarms/drills
Unauthorized occupancy of a room/squatter(s)
$30 per day
Utilizing bathrooms of the opposite sex
$200 and up
Pets of any kind
Solicitation/advertisement of business
Unsanitary bathrooms
$25 community
$75 individual
Failure to sign-in
Inter-visitation violation
Failure to comply (with RA/RC)
$25 community
$75 individual
Failure to sign guests in at Public Safety
Quiet hours violation (loud music, horseplay, etc.)
$10 community
$50 individual
Illegal appliance*
$75 per appliance
Candles &/ or incense**
$15 per incense/candle
Illegal parties
$75 per person
Referral to Judicial Board
*Illegal appliances will be confiscated and will not be returned until the end of the academic year. Any appliances left behind after April 30 will be discarded.
**Candles and incense are prohibited in the residence halls at all times. Speakers are prohibited from use in any room window.
Housing at Lincoln University is available to all students regardless of race, color, religion or national origin. The housing contract and assignment are subject to the terms and conditions stated in the student handbook and may be waived only by the director of residence life or a designated representative.
* Permitted with approval from the University physician or the Office of Residence Life.
**Irons may be stored in student rooms, but must be used only in designated areas if available. Students are not permitted to iron on beds.
If a student is noncompliant, the University reserves the right to remove the article, impose a fine, and make a referral for disciplinary action.
NOTE: If the student moves off campus prior to the published “Last Day to Add or Drop Courses,” a prorated amount for housing and meals will be assessed. If the student moves off-campus after this published date, the student will be responsible for 100% of the housing charge and a prorated amount for meals.
Co-educational inter-visitation Hours: All students are governed and must abide by a uniform inter-visitation policy. Students of the opposite sex may visit each other in their facilities or rooms between the following times:
Sunday–Thursday from noon to 11 p.m. and Friday–Saturday from noon to 2 a.m.
The inter-visitation policy is not an attempt to monitor your personal business, but is indicative of the University’s concern for the safety and security of all residents. In order to upgrade the security of all residents, the University has a sign-in policy effective in all residence halls. The sign-in procedure is as follows:
In order to enhance the opportunity for study time, the residence halls have quiet hours posted from 8 p.m. to 11 a.m. During quiet hours, room doors should be closed and residents are urged to refrain from making loud noises, playing excessively loud music, and being generally disruptive. Residents and guests are prohibited from congregating in hallways and stairwells. Violators of the quiet-hour policy are subject to a fine and disciplinary action.
During Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break and for periods during the summer, the residence halls are closed. Prior to the beginning of these periods, the Office of Residence Life will set a time and date when the building must be vacated.
During these periods, the University is not responsible for pick up or delivery. The nearest airports are the Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, and Thurgood Marshall/ BWI Airport, Baltimore, Maryland. The nearest train stations are Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Transportation may be provided by contacting the Delaware Shuttle. The shuttle will transport to and from the train station and airport door-to-door 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For reservations call 800-648-LIMO.
The University assumes no responsibility for any property such as clothing, books, clocks, computers, radios, or toiletry articles left in residence hall rooms by students at check out. If contact cannot be made with the owner or his or her family within one week, or if the owner is unknown or unprepared to take possession of the property, the abandoned items will be discarded.